Purifying Vessels by Bob Gass 1986
Besure to click all the links at the top of the page for all the songs and further information! Thankyou for taking the time to Listen to a Treasure in Time! Corinne Layton
Part 1 Playing Now
Part 2, Click the Middle Arrow to continue to the End!
After the Worship of David Barr on the above pages, Came the Treasure of the Word of God by Irish Evangelist Bob Gass, This particular Cassette, Purifying Vessels, from 1986, that I have converted to MP3, is particularly special to me, as it was preached at a Church we helped to start in Minneapolis, called Cathedral of Praise, a week after our Dedication Sunday, Bob Gass came to our church once, before our Pastor Alan Walker , died of a heart attack in a meeting at the age of 40. The church dissolved Later and we moved on as a family. But I have never forgotten those days, David Barr's Worship, and this Particular Service, as I was Saved up in Alaska in 1977, (although as I look back now, I was already a Catholic.) This Preacher spoke directly to my heart, by the Holy Spirit, one day, as I had my TV on as background noise. I listened to what he had to say, on the TV, and in the privacy of my Apartment alone there, knelt down and prayed with him. I didn't feel any lightning bolts, so I got up and walked towards the door, when all of a sudden, I felt the sensation of a giant Load being lifted off of my shoulders. Thinking how strange, didn't know I had a Load on me! I walked a few more steps, when all of a sudden, I felt this sensation of as it were, warm oil beginning to flow from the top of my head, to the tips of my hands and toes., and then this Amazing sensation, of being deeply Loved as if for the first time in my life. That was 39 years ago, and I have never been the same since! As the Spiritual Child of this Irish Preacher, who craves to see the Gospel cover the Earth. I wanted you to hear this Amazing Cassette for the Lord, I have kept all these years, its about 50 minutes, and you will Love it! Be sure to click the second part, Middle Arrow, to hear the completion of Part Two. May your Life be Transformed in some way as mine was, that day long ago, in Alyeska Alaska Ski Resort, surrounded by Mountains on 3 sides and the inlet on the other, one road to Anchorage, that you had to watch for Avalanches as you drove, because when they came, 10 miles wide and 20 feet deep, You were History! The Lord has preserved my Life all of these years, and I am Eternally Grateful! Corinne Layton
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